The publisher of the popular Cave Creek Visitor’s Guide and the AZ GOLF EXPERIENCE is adding The GILBERT HERITAGE EXPERIENCE to its growing list of publications. “I really like the vibe of the district area. The town government and area residents have done a great job in encouraging the right kind of development along with the proper architectural guidelines to keep this area popular for many years to come,” said publisher, Dale Samar. “The key to the success of our publications is the distribution. We really work hard to get the publications into the hands of likely customers to the area. This includes distribution within the area but more importantly to nearby areas that will inform people of what the area has to offer so that it brings in new customers. I can see that once you get someone here, they will come back often.”

The current print schedule is as follows with 3 issues per year:

Early November – soft launch of publication with first issue and distribution begins.

Mid January – 2nd issue will begin distribution

Early to Mid April – 3rd issue will begin distribution

Fall of 2021 issue will begin in Mid-late September

Gilbert Heritage Experience advertising and contact information is below or you can click on the link above for a pdf copy of the page. Ad rates may change as distribution increases but rates may be locked in with multi-issue commitment.